Not only is detailed and organized record keeping essential to the preparation of your income tax returns, but keeping all of the tax and financial documents that were used to complete your tax returns is crucial should you ever become subject to an IRS audit. Large companies are not the only entities that need to […]
As technology evolves at a rapid rate, scammers and identity thieves are finding increasingly innovative (and, sometimes virtually undetectable) methods of fraudulently obtaining people’s personal and financial information—putting taxpayers at risk of identity theft and other criminal schemes perhaps now more than ever before. Specifically, scammers have been posing as IRS agents for years as […]
Though considerable information has been released since the signing of the U.S. tax reform legislation in December 2017, we realize that many individuals are asking the question “how does the new tax law affect me personally?” With 2018 already underway, we wanted to illustrate some of the major ways in which your tax bill and […]
It goes without saying that there is a long list of items to consider when you make the decision to move. Moving—especially if it’s for a job—is a notable life event that brings with it a number of tax consequences, so it’s important to know the facts ahead of time. One benefit of relocating for […]
Most families understand the necessity of saving funds for higher education. A number of federal and state tax benefits are available to help achieve this goal. To give a better understanding of these tax subsidies, we have divided them into three parts of the student’s life cycle: elementary, college, and post-graduate education. 529 PLANS (OR […]
Tax implications are often the last thing we think of when we hit a major (or minor) life milestone. Whether you’re getting married, having a baby, changing jobs or moving, each situation brings with it a number of tax consequences that impact the way you will file your taxes. This blog series will present a […]