small business trends

This article discusses a variety of trends that small businesses should either be focusing on or not as we continue along in 2022. For example, this link lists shipping status, waiting for the new normal, and the meta-verse as overrated trends that your small business should not be too worried about. On the other hand, […]

estate planning and digital assets

This article explains the importance of keeping your estate plan up to date, especially since people are living longer and need more options in their documented life. Three sections in your estate plan that should be examined several times include digital assets, guardianship designations, and appropriate names in the documents. Adding an addendum in legal […]

preventing fraud in your start-up

This article discusses how fraud is one of the most concerning topics for start-ups and small businesses alike due to the highly digitalized world that we live in today. It is so prevalent that “organizations report losing 5 percent of their annual revenue to fraud.” For a small business, that could be detrimental. However, utilizing […]

remote work

This article explains the challenges that businesses face when dealing with remote workers. Mobility managers may face numerous tasks, including understanding complex and evolving rules for tax, immigration, and other legal purposes. Mobility managers also will need to communicate risks and information requirements to business units and their mobile employees. Risks that occur when a […]

small business trends

This article discusses how 2022 is a viable year for most small businesses as they continue to rebound from the coronavirus pandemic. A recent report shows that attracting new customers is the top challenge for most small businesses. However, utilizing trends such as shifting customer expectations, focusing on happy employees, and investing in the right […]

digital innovations

This article discusses how the coronavirus pandemic accelerated many trends that we see today in the workplace. Specifically for start-ups, it is important to take advantage of these trends to stay competitive. For example, trends such as embracing the fact that hybrid and remote work are here to stay, demand for personalization, privacy, and artificial […]

preventing cybercrime and fraud

This article discusses how most companies today rely heavily on the Internet and other technology to operate. Although these tools are vital and can be useful, they also pose the threat of cybercrime. However, by utilizing strategies such as encrypting your data, investing in artificial intelligence, and utilizing your forensic accountant, your business should be […]

adult children finances

This article explains several scenarios where your child may be asking you for financial help. First, they may have taken many loans and want your help with EMIs. The author suggests turning the child to a financial advisor to keep your finances intact. Secondly, the child may want a loan to help with a start-up […]

deductions and credits

This article discusses how there are two main strategies that individuals can take advantage of in order to lower their tax bills, deductions, and credits. While tax deductions lower your taxable income, tax credits are “a dollar-for-dollar reduction to your tax bill.” However, many people do not know of or forget about all the things […]